Laura // Joshua Tree, CA

It's not everyday you find yourself out in the desert with 3 couples, 4 models, and 130+ photographers.  After the last presentation wrapped, everyone started making their way down to the live shoots.  I was among the group that was leading the pack down into the valley and for a brief moment, I looked back and saw a whole herd of photographers coming down the hill behind us.  I nearly had a panic attack because it felt like a scene from the Walking Dead and a bunch of "walkers" were coming after us.  I guess you could say that I had a little bit of anxiety about these live shoots.  If I'm being honest, I really didn't expect to get much out of this part of the workshop.  I hoped for maybe 2-3 useable images from each set and that was the best case scenario in my mind.  BUT I couldn't have been more wrong.  I was actually blown away by how smooth the live shoots went.  Everyone was able to spread out and take turns and after all was said and done, it appeared as if everyone walked away with amazing and different perspectives of the beautiful people that stood before us.  I spent less than 10 minutes at the set that you are about to see (Laura was quite popular at #heckyeahphotocamp) and I have a lot more than 2-3 images that I love.  I felt like the tones were out of this world and I really hope you love them too!

Don't get me wrong, it was an overwhelming experience and there was a part of me that wanted to simply sit back and watch the whole thing go down.  I didn't know where I should be and when I should be there, but I rolled through a few of the sets, tried a few new things, and hoped for the best.  I was a little bummed when I found out, after the fact, that I had missed a few sets entirely.  Ooops!  That might be my only regret, but I am not at all mad about it though.  It was a crazy-fun experience and I would do it all over again if I had the opportunity.